Discover a range of dynamic classes tailored for parents and grandparents of children from birth to young adulthood. Rooted in a spiritually nurturing environment, our program fosters lifelong friendships alongside top-notch education and support. Each year, we attract over 500 participants from across the greater Los Angeles area onto our campus. As our motto goes, “If you have a child or grandchild birth to young adult, we have a class for you!”
“I feel that LCPC Parent Education and the beautiful people in it have touched my life and moved me closer to the person I have always wanted to be.”
“Wednesday’s at LCPC Parent Ed are my favorite mornings of the week! It’s truly a wonderful time to take for myself and to connect with other moms raising tweens!”
“Put your oxygen mask on first! This is what Parent Ed was for me. We all had our masks on (Covid-style) but we learned how to put on our emotional oxygen mask on to navigate our tween year. I went home to apply all that I learned from my parenting class and really connect and redirect my tween during a pandemic. I am so grateful for this class.”
“I have been attending Parent Ed for 6 years. What I have appreciated the most is the developmental education of my children and getting tools and resources on how to be the best student of my children.”
“I have learned so much as mom and a Christian being surrounded by wonderful parents who are going through the same struggles that I am.”